Terms of Use | Privacy | Data Collecting

Thank you for being a part of RealFeed and our family of brands.

  • Thank you for using RealFeed. We strive for transparency, accountability and accuracy.

    We value your interest in RealFeed and our services. (RealFeed, Inc. and its affiliated brands collectively referred to as the “RealFeed Brands,” “us,” “our,” or “we”). By clicking a registration or new account submission button, or by using our websites, networks, mobile applications, or other services provided by the RealFeed Brands (collectively, the “Services”), or accessing any content provided by us through the Services, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the following terms of use, as periodically updated (the “Terms of Use and Privacy Policy”).

    RealFeed Brands:

    RealFeed Brands, and the Services, are designed to assist you in various tasks related to real estate transactions. However, unless explicitly specified in a Product’s Terms, THE SERVICES ARE NOT INTENDED TO offer financial, real estate, or related advice of any kind. You understand and agree that the Services may include advertisements. To enhance the relevance and utility of advertisements to you, RealFeed Brands may display ads based on the information collected through the Services. Refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.

    RealFeed, Inc.

    RealFeed, Inc. holds a real estate broker license in the State of Florida, however, unless specified in your Product’s Terms, RealFeed, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any outcome or consequence directly or indirectly linked to any action or inaction taken by you or any consumer based on the Services or any other information available through or in connection with the Services

    Eligibility; Accounts and Registration

    To use the Services, you must be at least 18 years old. By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you confirm that: 

    1. You are at least 18 years old;
    2. You have not been suspended or removed from the Services previously; and
    3. Your registration and use of the Services comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Access to certain features may require account registration and agreement to Product’s Terms, if applicable. When registering, you will provide accurate information and keep it up-to-date. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. Sharing your user account(s) is not allowed unless a commercial agreement permits you to use the Services for transactions on behalf of another person. Use the Services only for transactions on your behalf unless a commercial agreement states otherwise.

    Mobile Applications

    For the utilization of any mobile application feature within the RealFeed Services (each referred to as an “App”), it is necessary to possess a compatible mobile device. We do not guarantee the compatibility of any App with your mobile device. Usage of mobile data in conjunction with an App may result in additional charges from your wireless provider, for which you acknowledge sole responsibility. We reserve the right to update any app and may automatically electronically update the version of any App installed on your mobile device. By using the Services, you consent to all automatic upgrades, and these Terms of Use will apply to all updated versions of an App. Any third-party open-source software included in an App is subject to the relevant open-source license, which may be directly available from the creator under such a license. These Terms of Use do not govern your use of software obtained from a third-party source under an open-source license.

    Use of Content

    Subject to the limitations outlined in these Terms of Use, you may copy information from the RealFeed Services without the assistance of any automated processes and only as required for your personal use or Pro Use to view, save, print, fax, and/or email such information. Despite the foregoing, the Aggregate Data provided on the RealFeed Local-Info Pages (the “Aggregate Data”) may be utilized for non-personal purposes, such as real estate market analysis. You are permitted to display and distribute derivative works of the Aggregate Data (e.g., within a graph) as long as the RealFeed Brands are credited as the source on every page where the Aggregate Data is displayed, including “Data Provided by RealFeed, Inc.” This citation must not include any of our logos without our prior written approval or imply any relationship between you and the RealFeed Brands beyond the acknowledgment that the RealFeed Brands are the source of the Aggregate Data. Displaying any other RealFeed Brands’ data is prohibited without our prior written approval.

    Prohibited Use


    • Modification and Reverse Engineering:

    Reproduce, modify, distribute, display, or provide access to, create derivative works from, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any part of the Services, except as explicitly permitted by any Product’s Terms applicable to that product’s Services.

    • Third-Party Links:

    Provide/post/authorize a link to any of the Services from a third-party website that is not a real estate-related website owned or operated by a real estate or lending professional or institution.

    • Intellectual Property:

    Remove or modify any copyright or other intellectual property notices in the Services.

    1. Unlawful Use:
      Use the Services in any way that is unlawful, or harms RealFeed Brands, its service providers, suppliers, affiliates, or any other user.
    • Discriminatory Activities:

    Use the Services in any way to discriminate against any individual or class of individuals protected under federal, state, or local laws, or which may have a discriminatory impact, or otherwise promote illegal, racist, or discriminatory activities.

    • Spam and Unsolicited Messages:

    Distribute or post spam, unsolicited messages, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or similar communications through the Services.

    • Impersonation and Misrepresentation:

    Impersonate another person, misrepresent your affiliation with another person or entity, or make any representation to any third party under false pretenses.

    • Display of Data:

    Reproduce, publicly display, or make accessible on or through any other website, application, or service any reviews, ratings, or profile information about real estate, lending, or other professionals, underlying images, or information about real estate listings without explicit approval.

    • Security Violations:

    Interfere with, compromise the system integrity or security of the Services, or bypass any measures to prevent or restrict access to the Services.

    • Automated Queries:

    Conduct automated queries on the Services with the purpose of obtaining information, including screen and database scraping, spiders, robots, crawlers, or any other automated activity.

    • Trademark Use:

    Use any of the RealFeed Brands’ trademarks as part of your screen name or email address on the Services.

    • Competitive Products or Services:

    Access or use the Services to develop competitive products or services or encourage any third party to do so.

    • Encouraging Prohibited Activities:

    Attempt to, or permit or encourage any third party to, engage in any of the above prohibited activities.

    • Fees

    Generally: Fees may be required to access certain features of the Services, and all fees are non-refundable.


    Subscription Services may have automatically recurring payments. You authorize periodic charges until cancellation, and cancellation must be done before the renewal to avoid billing.

    User Materials

    UGC Definition; License Grant:

    Users can upload User Materials to the Services, granting RealFeed an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free license to use, display, distribute, and sublicense these materials.

    UGC Disclaimer:

    RealFeed is not obligated to edit or control User Materials. RealFeed may, at its discretion, screen, remove, edit, or block User content that violates these Terms of Use.

    Third-Party/Linked Services/Sent Information


    The Services may include links to third-party products, services, websites, and materials provided by third parties. You are responsible for your dealings with third parties, and RealFeed is not liable for damages arising from such dealings.

    Certain Third-Party Services:

    Referrals, lead sales, and other financial products and services provided by third parties may be subject to additional terms. RealFeed may facilitate connections and receive compensation for such connections.

    Rental Products:

    RealFeed does not process or store background or credit check information related to rental products and is not responsible for a landlord’s use of such information.

    Additional Terms for Third-Party Services:

    Specific aspects of the Services may be subject to additional third-party terms, including those for Windows Live Virtual Earth, Google Maps, Stripe, and CIC.

    Intellectual Property

    The Services and RealFeed materials are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly allowed by these Terms of Use, users may not make use of RealFeed materials, and RealFeed reserves all rights.


    Users providing Feedback regarding the Services grant RealFeed an unrestricted, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free right to use the Feedback for any purpose.

    DMCA; Claims of Copyright Infringement

    Users who believe their copyrighted work has been infringed on the Services may notify RealFeed’s copyright agent in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

    Note: Due to the length of the original text, the adaptation may not cover every detail, and it’s recommended to refer to the full RealFeed Terms of Use for comprehensive information.

    To initiate a complaint of copyright infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), please provide the following information to the designated copyright agent:

    Identification of the Copyrighted Work:

    1. Clearly identify the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed.
    2. Identification of the Infringing Material:
    3. Provide specific details about the material you claim is infringing, including a description and its location on the Services. This information helps the copyright agent locate and verify the alleged infringement.
    4. Contact Information:
    5. Include your address, telephone number, and, if available, email address. This allows the copyright agent to contact you regarding your complaint.
    6. Signed Statement:
    7. Provide a signed statement confirming the accuracy of the information provided. Declare in good faith that the identified use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. Under penalty of perjury, assert that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner in this matter.

    Please ensure that all provided information is accurate and complete to facilitate a prompt and appropriate response to your copyright complaint. 

    Please email support@realfeed.com with this information.

    If you notify us of copyright infringement via email, we may initiate an investigation into the alleged infringement. However, it’s important to note that we must receive your signed statement by mail or as an attachment to your email before we are obligated to take any action.

    Deactivation/Deletion/Changes to Agreement. 

    Except as stated in any Product’s Terms, you may deactivate your account at any time by selecting “deactivate account” in your account settings. 

    You can delete your account and all your account data by submitting a request to “delete your data” at https://ww.realfeed.com/privacy. If you deactivate or delete your account, you remain obligated to pay all outstanding fees, if any, incurred prior to termination relating to your use of the Services. 

    If you violate any provision of these Terms of Use, your permission from the RealFeed Brands to use the Services will terminate automatically. 

    In addition, we may, in our sole discretion, deactivate, suspend, or terminate your access to your account and the Services at any time for any reason, with or without notice. 

    We may alter, suspend, or discontinue the Services or any portion of the Services without notice. 

    We will not be liable whatsoever for any change to the Services or any suspension or termination of your access to, or use of the Services. 

    We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use at any time in its sole discretion on a going-forward basis, and we will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify you of any material changes to these Terms of Use. 

    Your continued use of the Services after any updates are effective will represent your agreement to the revised version of the Terms of Use and will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to, any such changes. 

    You further waive any right you may have to receive specific notice of such changes to these Terms of Use. 

    You are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms of Use.

    Privacy Policy/Other Terms.

    Privacy Policy. 

    The RealFeed Brands will collect, use, store, and disclose personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please consult your Privacy Policy for more information, which is incorporated into, and made a part of, these Terms of Use.

    Other Terms. 

    Your use of the Services is subject to all additional guidelines, rules, Product Terms, and agreements applicable to the Services or certain features of the Services that we may post on, or link to, from the Services, such as rules applicable to a particular product or content available through the Services 

    If you are a non-affiliated Third-Party Provider who has created an industry professional account with RealFeed, you are subject to the NMLS Data Terms. Additionally, if you are a non-affiliated Third-Party Provider who participates in any Services offered by RealFeed, Inc.  All such terms are incorporated into, and made a part of, these Terms of Use.


    You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the RealFeed Brands (including our affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and agents) from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of, or in connection with:

    (a) Your access to or use of the Services;

    (b) Your breach of these Terms of Use;

    (c) Your violation of any law or the rights of a third party;

    (d) Any dispute or issue between you and any third party;

    (e) Any User Materials you upload to, or otherwise make available through, the Services;

    (f) Your willful misconduct; and

    (g) Any other party’s access to or use of the Services using your account and password.

    The RealFeed Brands reserve the right, at their sole expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you. In such event, you agree to cooperate fully with the RealFeed Brands’ defense of such claim.

    No Warranties:


    Limitation of Liability and Exclusive Remedy:



    Governing Law:

    These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of the State of Delaware, disregarding any conflict of laws provisions.

    Jurisdiction and Venue:

    By agreeing to these Terms, you consent to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts located in the State of Delaware. This applies to all disputes, claims, and actions arising from or related to the Services or otherwise under these Terms of Use.

    Operating Location:

    RealFeed administers the Services from our offices in Miami. We explicitly state that the Services may not be suitable or available for use in other locations, and we do not make any representation to the contrary.

    Export Compliance:

    You agree not to export any part of the RealFeed Services, or any direct product thereof, from anywhere, except in compliance with applicable export laws, rules, and regulations, and with all necessary licenses and approvals. The RealFeed Services used by the U.S. Government are provided with the commercial license rights described herein. These Terms of Use may only be amended by a written agreement signed by authorized representatives of the parties. If any part of these terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it will be replaced with a valid provision that aligns with the original intent, and the remaining terms will remain in effect.


    We reserve the right to assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice to you. However, you may not assign these Terms of Use or transfer your rights in the Services. Our failure to act in response to a breach does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent breaches.

    Survival of Terms:

    Except as expressly stated herein, these Terms of Use, along with all incorporated terms and agreements, constitute the entire agreement between you and the RealFeed Brands, superseding all prior communications. The following sections will survive any termination of these Terms of Use: 3, 5-8, 10-12, and 14-22.

    Communication Consent:

    By using the RealFeed Services, you consent to receiving electronic communications as described in the Privacy Policy. Any electronic notices, agreements, disclosures, or other communications we send to you will satisfy legal communication requirements.

    Communications Service

    The RealFeed Services may provide web forms, links, or contact information connecting you with RealFeed or third parties. Communications through these methods may be facilitated by a third-party service (“Communications Service”). You consent to recording and monitoring calls for quality assurance and training. Notifications about recording will be provided at the call’s beginning. RealFeed may track phone calls and text messages to access details about contacts.

    Notice to California Residents

    If you’re a California resident, under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, you may contact the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services for resolution of complaints or further information.

    Contact Information and License Disclosures

    RealFeed, Inc. and its affiliates, located at 350 Lincoln Road., Miami Beach, FL 33139 , offer the RealFeed Services. Contact us at support@realfeed.com.


    Notice to Apple Users

    If you use our mobile applications on an iOS device, these terms are between you and RealFeed only. Apple is not responsible for the Services or related materials. Apple’s obligations, warranty obligations, and liabilities are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law. Apple and its subsidiaries are considered third-party beneficiaries. You represent and warrant that you are not in a country subject to a U.S. Government embargo, nor listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited parties.

    Competitor Notice
    If you believe that we have infringed, violated, plagiarized, or possess data or information related to your business, you acknowledge that, by accessing our website RealFeed.com or using any of our Apps, whether for research or verification purposes, you, your representatives, or individuals directed by you, agree to absolve RealFeed, its affiliates, owners, partners, or other brands from any legal liability. To address such concerns, you commit to notifying RealFeed promptly through either mail at 350 Lincoln Road, FL 2, Miami Beach, FL 33139, or email at support@realfeed.com. Furthermore, you agree to allow us a reasonable timeframe to rectify any identified issues.

    Date of this updated policy: 12/17/2023 – RealFeed, Inc. and its Affiliates.

  • Our Approach to Personal Data

    At RealFeed, we prioritize transparency and respect for your privacy in our collection and utilization of personal data. The manner in which we gather information, as well as how we employ it, is contingent upon your interactions with us and the specific services you engage with.

    Data Collection During Service Usage

    Much like other digital platforms, both RealFeed and our trusted third-party partners automatically collect specific personal data when you engage with our websites, mobile apps, and online services. This encompasses details such as your home search history, viewed properties, purchase activities, interactions with our websites, and the time you dedicate to exploring different sections of our platform.

    In particular, RealFeed and our third-party collaborators may employ tracking technologies to automatically gather commercial information, preferences, and internet, network, and device-related data, including:

    • Details about your service access, such as the origin website and the destination website upon leaving ours, frequency of service access, email interaction (opening, link clicking), multi-device usage, and other activities on our platform.
    • Insights into your service utilization, covering the pages visited, clicked links, viewed and clicked ads, purchase details, checkout process, and your location during service interaction.

    Information regarding your devices you use to connect to RealFeed online portal and apps.

    In our pursuit of delivering a seamless and personalized experience aligned with your preferences, we gather details about the device you utilize. This includes a spectrum of information, such as your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, platform type, device model and manufacturer, operating system, date and time stamp, a distinctive ID facilitating the identification of your browser, mobile device, or account (which may encompass persistent device identifiers or Ad IDs), and other relevant information collectively known as “Log Data.”

    Analytics Data for Enhanced Insights

    RealFeed also gathers analytics data to comprehend your activity on our sites and apps better. This includes information on clicks, mouse movements, forms filled out, and similar interactions. Analyzing this data allows us to identify the most useful features and areas of our website, as well as areas that may require improvement.

    Tracking Technologies, browser cookies, and more.

    In our commitment to improving your customer experience, RealFeed employs various tools, such as cookies, pixel tags, and similar technologies when you visit our sites and apps. Cookies, in particular, are electronic data bits transferred to your computer or device to identify your browser. These tools help us understand your interests, track trends, measure ad effectiveness, save preferences, and store information you may wish to retrieve regularly, like your favorite homes.

    We permit approved partners to collect data for advertising and measurement purposes through their own cookies or similar tools, categorized as “Advertising Cookies.” You have the option to disable these via our Privacy Center or the “Cookie Preference” link at the bottom of our websites.

    Utilizing this information, we aim to enhance your user experience, customize content, monitor and improve our services, and achieve various internal objectives. Additionally, we may use this data to remember information, provide personalized content, identify and contact you across devices, monitor service effectiveness, conduct analytics, diagnose technology issues, detect or prevent fraud, and plan for service enhancements.

    Your personal data is also collected through tracking technologies for personalized advertising purposes. To explore more about our advertising practices and your choices, refer to “Third-Party Tracking and Interest-Based Advertising.”

    Information You Provide or Create

    When you engage with RealFeed’s services, websites, or apps, we collect personal data directly from you. This may also include information obtained from our business partners, payment processors, service providers, and other third parties acting on our behalf. The collected information encompasses:

    • Your profile and account registration Information:

    When you register for an account or complete a RealFeed profile, we collect account identifiers (username, password, internal identifiers), account history and records, and relevant details to administer your account, provide services, communicate with you, and send communications based on your preferences.

    • Communication History including Customer Service:

    This includes your name, address, email, customer service requests, account identifiers, account history, and the content of requests and correspondence with us, including recorded phone calls where permitted by law.

    • User Feedback:

    If you choose to share your thoughts with us through reviews, feedback, or other comments, we collect pertinent contact information, such as your first and last name, email address, and phone number. Additionally, we capture the feedback and ratings related to our services and products, encompassing any reviews you generate about real estate professionals.

    • Inquiries and Correspondence:

    When you reach out to us or submit an inquiry or question via a web form, we gather your contact details, including your first and last name, email address, and phone number. This process also involves capturing account identifiers and history, as described previously, along with any other personal data you opt to include in the content of your message or communication. This information is utilized to investigate and respond to your inquiries, facilitate communication, provide requested information, improve our services, and manage the growth of our business. If you represent a company or agency seeking a partnership, we also collect your professional and employment information to address your inquiries, communicate with you, manage and expand our organization, and foster a business relationship. Our websites and online services offer an online web form for you to connect with us, collecting details such as your first and last name, email address, phone number, company name, title with the company, areas of interest or concern, and a custom message.

    • Location Data:

    We may collect location data, including general geographic information reflected in the Log Data we collect or more precise location data when you willingly share it with us through your device or browser settings.

    • Communication, Phone, Text or Email:
      Many of our websites and online services provide you an opportunity to sign up for our newsletters and email communications by providing your email address. We use your email address to communicate with you about our services and exciting developments at RealFeed, Inc. which may include marketing communications. Please see the “Choices About Your Data” section below for additional information about opting out of our marketing communications.
    • Transaction Records:

    In this section, we outline the collection of information pertaining to your transactions with us, delving into the specifics of payments made through our sites or apps. Our third-party service providers facilitate the processing and storage of payment details, including credit card numbers or bank account information. It’s important to note that we do not retain this sensitive information on our servers.

    • Diverse Data Channels:

    Beyond direct interactions with you, our data collection extends to various sources, including our business partners, service providers, and other third parties acting on our behalf. This collaborative approach involves entities such as communications providers, data brokers, payment processors, payment system providers, and information technology providers. This diverse network allows us to gather comprehensive data while maintaining the privacy and security standards we uphold.

    • Data Integration and Utilization:

    This section elucidates our approach to linking the personal data acquired in connection with our services. We establish connections between various sets of personal data to enhance our understanding and, in turn, use this amalgamated information for purposes detailed in other sections of this Privacy Notice. This integration ensures a holistic perspective, allowing us to effectively and responsibly leverage the collected data to meet your needs and expectations.

    Diverse Sources of Personal Data

    Expanding beyond the primary data collection, RealFeed, Inc. gathers personal information through various channels:

    Affiliation Insights:

    We receive information about you from other entities within the RealFeed, Inc. fostering collaboration among our family of brands. This synergy allows information provided to one brand to enhance the services and communication we deliver to you.

    Business Collaborations:

    Our business partners, ranging from agent partners to lending partners, builders, property managers, and other real estate professionals, contribute to our data collection efforts. Information related to transactions conducted with these partners is shared with us, enabling a comprehensive understanding of your interactions through our services.

    Professional Data Collection:

    For representatives of third-party businesses, including our customers and business partners, we collect professional personal data. This encompasses contact information, professional details like job title and company characteristics, and, when relevant, tax and payment information. This information aids in fostering business relationships and facilitating seamless operations.

    Visitor Information – Offices and Events:

    When you visit our physical offices or attend events hosted by RealFeed, Inc., we collect personal data, including contact information, professional details, purpose of the visit, and any specific preferences or restrictions while on our premises. Security information, such as a copy of government ID and records of your access, ensures a secure and controlled environment.

    Service Provider Collaboration:

    Our service providers, such as payment processors and marketing providers, play a vital role in our operations. They collect personal data and often share relevant information with us to ensure smooth service delivery, compliance with legal obligations, and the prevention of fraud.

    Data Enhancement through Third-Party Providers:

    To refine and supplement the personal data we collect, RealFeed, Inc. may obtain information from third-party providers. This may include updated contact details, contributing to improved communication and connection.

    Publicly Available Information:

    Personal data sourced from publicly available platforms, such as social media or public records databases, complements our data set. This information aids in market research, identity verification, fraud prevention, and service enhancement.

    Additional Uses of Personal Data

    RealFeed, Inc. utilizes the personal data gathered for a range of purposes, including but not limited to:

    • Facilitating daily business operations, aiding in your home-finding journey, and connecting you with real estate professionals.
    • Creating, developing, and enhancing services, products, and overall customer experience.
    • Aggregating information to understand individual needs, customize services, and offer improved solutions.
    • Conducting research and analytics to improve business, products, services, and customer understanding.
    • Enforcing security measures, investigating fraud, resolving disputes, and upholding legal obligations.
    • Personalizing user experiences, providing educational resources, and recommending homes based on preferences.
    • Catering to any other lawful, legitimate business purpose.

    Sharing Your Personal Data

    RealFeed, Inc. may disclose your personal data in several ways, including within the RealFeed, Inc, with business partners, marketing partners, service providers, during business transactions, and as required by legal obligations or rights. Additionally, your personal data may be disclosed with your consent or direction.

    Choices About Your Data

    Explore options to access, update, or modify your profile information and manage data sharing preferences. Control location tracking and device permissions, and manage promotional messages. Understand and exercise choices related to third-party tracking and interest-based advertising.

    Region-Specific Disclosures

    RealFeed, Inc. may provide additional disclosures concerning personal data processing based on regional requirements or laws. Residents of specific regions, countries, or States may find specific information relevant to their jurisdiction.

    Third-Party Websites

    RealFeed, Inc.’s websites and online services may link to third-party websites. This Privacy Notice does not extend to the personal data practices of third-party websites, and users are encouraged to refer to the respective privacy notices or policies of these entities.

    Updates to this Privacy Notice

    RealFeed, Inc. periodically updates this Privacy Notice. Changes will be reflected in the “Last Updated” date, and material changes will be communicated to users. All modifications are effective from the date of publication unless otherwise specified in the notification.

    Insights into Additional Personal Data Handling

    Privacy Practices for Specific U.S. States

    In-depth insights into our personal data processing practices tailored for residents of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia.

    Insights into Additional Personal Data Handling

    Sensitive Information Classification:

    Certain personal data elements we collect fall under the category of “sensitive information,” including Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, passport numbers, credit/debit card details (including expiration date and security code), financial account numbers with routing information, and precise geolocation data.

    We utilize this sensitive information for purposes outlined in the “Our Collection and Use of Personal Data And Sharing” section of our Privacy Notice. This includes entering into and fulfilling contracts, complying with legal and regulatory requirements, ensuring the safety of individuals, and pursuing internal business objectives within the bounds of applicable laws. Importantly, we neither sell nor process sensitive information for targeted advertising purposes.

    De-identification Measures:

    At times, we process personal data to create de-identified information that cannot reasonably be linked to a specific individual or household. Any maintenance or use of such de-identified data adheres strictly to its de-identified form. We commit not to attempt re-identification, except as mandated or allowed by law.

    Empowering Your Privacy Choices

    Depending on your State of residence and subject to legal constraints, you may have the ability to exercise certain privacy rights. Explore and potentially act upon these rights, recognizing the specific legal limitations and exceptions that may apply.

    Insight into Personal Data Processing And Your Right To Know

    Gain clarity on the handling of your personal data with the right to receive detailed information about our data processing activities, including:

    • The types of personal data collected;
    • The sources from which the personal data originated;
    • The purposes for which the personal data was collected;
    • Categories of personal data shared with third parties, along with the identities of these recipients;
    • Categories of personal data shared for cross-context behavioral advertising, and the recipients for such purposes;
    • Categories of personal data sold (if any), and the identities of third parties to whom the personal data was sold.
    • This empowers you to be fully informed about the specifics of how your personal data is managed in accordance with relevant state laws.

    Access and Portability Entitlement By You

    Your rights are to be able to access the personal data we’ve gathered about you. In compliance with applicable laws, you have the authority to procure a copy of your personal data in a portable and, where technically feasible, easily usable format. This capability empowers you to transmit your data to another entity seamlessly, without any obstacles.

    Your Option to Enhance Data Accuracy

    You have the option to correct any inaccuracies in your personal data. This right acknowledges the nature of the data and ensures alignment with the intended processing purposes. Feel free to take control of the accuracy of your information if you choose to do so.

    The Right to Terminate or Delete

    You have the right to request for us to delete your personal data we hold about you.

    Opt-Out Authority for Personal Data Sales or Sharing

    You hold the right to instruct us not to “sell” your personal data to third parties in exchange for monetary or other valuable considerations. Additionally, you have the right to prohibit the “sharing” of your personal data with third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising purposes and targeted advertising purposes. The decision to exercise this right is entirely yours.

    Insightful Disclosure Rights for California Residents

    California residents with an established business relationship have the right, under California’s “Shine the Light” law (Civ. Code §1798.83), to understand how their personal data is disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes. 

    Alternatively, these residents have the right to opt out of such practices. The decision to exercise these rights is at your discretion as a California resident.

    Protection Against Retaliatory Treatment

    In accordance with your state of residence, you may have the right to avoid retaliatory or discriminatory treatment when exercising the aforementioned rights. It’s important to note that the exercise of these rights could potentially lead to variations in price, rate, or product/service quality. Any differences will be reasonably related to the impact of these rights on our relationship or as otherwise allowed by law. Your decision to exercise these rights is respected, but it may have implications on the terms of our interactions.

    Verification Process for Your Request

    Before proceeding with your request, we may need to verify your identity for security purposes. To initiate a request, please log in to your account with us, enabling us to confirm your identity securely. If you encounter difficulties logging in or do not possess an account, linking you to your personal data on our systems may pose a challenge, but we will make every effort to assist you. In certain situations, we may be unable to fulfill a request to exercise specific rights, particularly when identity verification or data location is unattainable. Information provided for a Rights Request will solely be utilized for the purpose of reviewing and complying with the request.

    Exercising Your Right to Opt-Out of Personal Data Sales or Sharing for Targeted Advertising

    Unless you have opted out, your personal data may be disclosed to third parties who utilize this information in accordance with their privacy policies. In some states, the disclosure of personal data for online advertising may be classified as a “sale of personal data” or “sharing for targeted advertising.”

    RealFeed permits certain companies to employ tracking technologies such as cookies and pixels on our platforms. These technologies enable these companies to receive information associated with your browser or device, utilizing the data to deliver more relevant ads on our sites or elsewhere. Beyond this context, RealFeed does not engage in selling your personal data. You retain control over these technologies on your devices, and our cookie preference tools empower you to manage your comfort level with various cookies and tracking technologies. For detailed information on accessing these tools, please refer to our Privacy Center. Additionally, you can disable cookies entirely by adjusting your browser settings. If you choose to disable cookies to our site, you may experience a non-functional system.

    Protection of Minors

    RealFeed, Inc. is committed to safeguarding the personal data of consumers under the age of 16. We do not sell personal data for individuals we know to be below 16 years unless affirmative authorization (the “Right to Opt In”) is obtained from the minor (13 to 16 years old) or the parent/guardian of a minor under 13 years old.

    If you’re under 18 and wish to remove your name or comments from our publicly displayed content, contact us at privacy@realfeed.com. However, please note that modification or deletion may not be feasible in all circumstances.

    If you seek to make a privacy request on behalf of your minor child, ensure you provide adequate information for reasonable verification. We need assurance that the child is the person we collected personal information about, and you are authorized to submit the request on their behalf (i.e., you are their legal guardian or authorized representative).

    California-Specific Disclosures

    Categories of Personal Data in California

    As mandated by California law, we offer specific disclosures to residents of California concerning the categories of personal data collected. Below, we outline the identified categories and their sources, purposes, and relevant examples:

    Includes Account Registration and Profile Information, feedback, inquiries, and communications, credit and identity information (e.g., Social Security number, passport number).

    Customer Records:
    Encompasses Account Registration and Profile Information, Security/Authentication Information, and Payment Information.

    Protected Classification Characteristics:
    Involves age, date of birth, gender, and sex.

    Commercial Information:
    Covers transactions, preferences, and interests.

    Internet/Network Information: Encompasses data about service access and use, Log Data, and Analytics Data.

    Geolocation Data:
    Includes general geographic location or precise location with consent.

    Sensory Information:
    Involves permitted recordings of phone calls and image/video recordings.

    Profession/Employment Information:
    Relates to the business or organization, title, and role.

    Sensitive Information:
    Comprises Social Security number, driver’s license number, etc.

    Other Personal Data: Encompasses information from newsletters, emails, surveys, and social media interactions.

    Relates to predictions about interests and preferences.

    We collect data directly, from business partners, affiliates, or third parties as permitted by you. Refer to the “Our Collection and Use of Personal Data” section for additional sources and details. We disclose these categories for business purposes, as detailed in the “Our Disclosure of Personal Data” section.

    Retention of Personal Data:

    We aim to retain personal data for the duration necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. If extended retention is required, it aligns with legal, tax, accounting requirements, and other applicable obligations. Upon completion of the outlined purposes, we either delete, de-identify, or securely store personal data in line with regulatory compliance.

    “Shine the Light” Disclosures
    California residents, under the “Shine the Light” law, possess the right to request information about the sharing of specific categories of personal information for direct marketing purposes. To opt out of such sharing, visit our Privacy Center or email us at privacy@realfeed.com.

    Competitor Notice
    If you believe that we have infringed, violated, plagiarized, or possess data or information related to your business, you acknowledge that, by accessing our website RealFeed.com or using any of our Apps, whether for research or verification purposes, you, your representatives, or individuals directed by you, agree to absolve RealFeed, its affiliates, owners, partners, or other brands from any legal liability. To address such concerns, you commit to notifying RealFeed promptly through either mail at 350 Lincoln Road, FL 2, Miami Beach, FL 33139, or email at support@realfeed.com. Furthermore, you agree to allow us a reasonable timeframe to rectify any identified issues.

    Date of this updated policy: 12/17/2023 – RealFeed, Inc. and its Affiliates.

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